People Management

Managers and supervisors are often promoted for individual achievement or technical skill without being taught the basics of people management. Effective people management training can dramatically reduce the struggle to learn this on the job.

Innubilus® programs help managers and supervisors gain clarity on their roles and learn to lead employee achievement and growth. These programs are experiential and teach practical knowledge and skills, including a variety of feedback instruments to help build self awareness and confidence. 

“It has really made me think about my management style & given me some concrete feedback to work on, as well as being affirming on what I’m doing right!”


“The teacher was beyond excellent, best instructor I have ever had. Born to teach, kept the class at ease, moved us through the work. The role playing was invaluable for me because I have not been in managerial situations.”

Washington DC

“A systematic approach & tips to managing I would have never learned on my own. Now able to value different styles and appreciate diversity more… The interactive workshops were especially helpful.”

San Francisco

“Really excellent training program. Both engaging and informing. I have learnt a huge amount of tactics and methods that I will take back and deploy in my situation.”


“This has probably been the most impactful of all of the management training classes I’ve taken. I don’t know that I would change anything. Well done!”



For more about Innubilus® People Management programs: