Incremental Innovation

“Breakthrough” innovations get the headlines, but incremental innovations are what add up to long-term success. Incremental Innovation training is an engaging way to solve problems and create the useful improvements that every organization needs.

Innubilus® programs create innovations by having participants apply proven tools to their own work challenges. The programs begin with generating ideas that have promise and then teach the key influencing, leadership, and planning skills of implementation. The process is fun, interesting, and yields practical improvements in every function of an organization.

“Best outside seminar in years. Applicability to real world, solving actual problems as opposed to always using case studies.”

New Jersey

“I’d recommend this class to other managers and look forward to using these tools with my team.”


“I found this process helpful with current projects and also gained innovative methods to share with my team. Especially the exercises we participated in around creativity.”

New York

“Clearly identified objectives up front. Determined what each person hoped to get out of the program and met those goals.”


“Techniques all easily learned & applied – great. Excellent facilitation; helped us learn the principles, techniques, and learn from each other. Good stories, cases to illustrate benefits of your techniques.”


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